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Boston Dynamics’ New Robot “Stretch” Can Unload 800 Boxes an Hour From Trucks

Boston Dynamics may like to hit social media with viral videos of its robots dancing and doing back-flips, but that’s not all that goes on in the Massachusetts-based engineering and robotics design company. Their most recent model is called “Stretch”, and it’s a suction robot made for lifting packages. Stretch can lift up to 50 […]

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When to Use What: Linear Plain Bearings vs Recirculating Ball Bearing
Israel Successfully Shoots Down Drones Using the World’s First Airborne Laser System
US Navy Detonates a Massive Explosion to Test Its New Aircraft Carrier
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World’s First Nuclear-Powered Atomic Super-yacht Project Aims to Save the Earth

A futuristic vessel ‘EARTH 300’ is designed for oceanic research. It is conceptualized by naval architect Iván Salas Jefferson (founder of Iddes Yachts). The yacht will help us “to expand our knowledge and understanding of the universe, both above and below the ocean’s surface.” But unlike usual research vessels, Earth 300 provides a luxurious experience by […]

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The World’s Lightest Sound Insulator Could Make Aircraft as Quiet as a Hairdryer
US Navy’s unmanned Ship just Completed a 5000-Mile Trip on Its Own
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