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ABB Launches World’s Fastest Electric Car Charger

Swiss multinational company ABB has formally launched the world’s fastest electric car charger – the new Terra 360 modular charger. Here 360 stand for 360kW of output which is far more than the 250 kW offered by Tesla’s Superchargers.  ABB has plans to spin off its electric vehicle (EV) charging business, which could be valued […]

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Australian Company Plans $22bn Scheme to Bring Solar Power to Singapore
The World’s First Implantable Bioartificial Kidney Can Free Millions of People From Dialysis
Addison Lee’s Taxi Fleet Will Go Fully Electric by 2023
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Stella Vita: World’s First Fully Solar-Powered mobile home

A Twenty-two Dutch student team known for its solar-powered vehicles has unveiled the world’s first fully solar-powered camper. These students are from Eindhoven University and are dedicated to a sustainable future. The team called it Stella Vita, and it previews sustainable living and mobility. They say it can generate enough power to drive 730 kilometers (454 […]

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GM’s ‘Ultra Cruise’ Assist System Will Allow 95% Hands-Free Driving
A Custom Brain Implant ‘Zaps’ Away a Woman’s Severe Depression
A New Concept Vehicle That Is a Cross between a Car and a Motorbike
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