Regression Testing in DevOps: Ensuring Continuous Quality

By: | November 7th, 2023

Photo by Hack Capital on Unsplash

Regression testing is one of the common types of software testing that is conducted after the upgradation of code. Regression means going back, where the QA team re-executes code after each change. 

However, various businesses leverage DevOps methodologies to accelerate their time-to-market, aiding in faster and quality software releases. So, automated regression testing becomes essential to ensure that everything is working effectively after each release. In this blog, we explore how regression testing ensures software quality.  

The Role of Regression Testing in Continuous Integration/ Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

CI/CD is like a super-efficient factory for making and delivering software. Continuous Integration ensures that all the bits of code work together smoothly, like a well-oiled machine. Continuous Delivery takes those well-checked codes and delivers them to users hassle-free. 

Imagine you’re the guardian of a secret garden. Your job is to make sure that whenever something new is planted, the existing flowers and trees aren’t harmed. Similarly, regression testing in CI/CD is like a careful check to ensure that any new code or changes don’t mess up what’s already working fine. It’s that extra careful inspection that maintains the stability of your software garden.

In the world of DevOps, where everyone works together harmoniously, keeping up quality is crucial. Automated regression testing ensures that software works without a hitch despite changes or updates.

Benefits of Regression Testing in DevOps

Early Issue Detection and Mitigation

  • Identifies potential issues or bugs early in the development cycle, preventing their escalation and reducing the cost of fixing them.
  • Ensures that new code changes do not adversely impact the existing functionalities, maintaining stability and reliability.

Cost-Efficiency and Time Savings

  • Reduces overall costs by identifying and fixing issues during development, minimizing the expenses of post-deployment bug resolution.
  • Automated regression testing saves time and effort, enabling faster feedback to developers and quicker release cycles.

Continuous Quality Assurance and Risk Mitigation

  • Ensures a high standard of quality by retesting existing functionalities supporting continuous Integration and deployment processes in DevOps.
  • Mitigates the risk of potential issues, contributing to software reliability and stability, ultimately leading to enhanced customer satisfaction.

Challenges of Regression Testing in DevOps

Time and Resource Management Challenges

In the DevOps cycle, there’s a need for rapid development and deployment. Regression testing, while crucial, can be time-consuming. Running extensive test suites for every code change might slow down the process. Allocating resources for running and maintaining these tests constantly within tight development schedules can be a significant challenge. Finding a balance between thorough testing and the speed of development remains a perpetual challenge in DevOps.

Test Suite Maintenance and Evolution

With frequent code iterations and updates in the DevOps environment, the challenge of maintaining and updating the test suite arises. Tests can become obsolete, lose relevance, or require modifications. Keeping the test suite up-to-date and effective in line with the changing application functionality or architecture remains a continuous challenge.

Test Selection and Prioritization

Choosing the right set of tests to include in regression suites is crucial. Prioritizing tests based on critical functionalities, risk factors, or impact while excluding redundant or less crucial tests requires careful consideration. Determining which tests to run on every code change and in what sequence is a complex decision-making process.

Strategies for Efficient Regression Testing in DevOps

Automate Regression Testing

Automated regression testing ensures consistent and repetitive test executions, reducing human error and variability in results. It speeds up the testing process by executing repetitive test cases quickly and accurately. Additionally, it can be reused across different iterations, saving time and resources.

Prioritize Test Case Selection

Analyze past test results to identify frequently failing test cases and prioritize them for immediate attention. Use automation tools to select and run test cases relevant to the modified code. It can reduce redundant testing. In addition, prioritize tests based on the potential impact of failure on critical functionalities or high-risk areas.

Employ Parallel Testing

Conduct multiple tests simultaneously on different machines or processors. It can reduce overall testing time. Moreover, perform testing across various configurations and setups concurrently to increase test coverage and expedite the testing process.

Concluding Remarks

In the dynamic landscape of software development, particularly within the framework of DevOps, regression testing holds immense importance in ensuring the continuous quality and reliability of software products. As businesses increasingly adopt DevOps methodologies to expedite their time-to-market, the need for swift and effective automated regression testing becomes paramount.

Opkey is an AI-powered automation platform that allows businesses to perform the testing, reducing time, effort, and resources. It helps businesses create test cases in a single click and also enables testing for non-technical users. Moreover, its pre-built test accelerator contains thousands of test cases for 15-plus ERPs.

Opkey comes with self-healing scripts, and whenever test scripts fail to work, it fixes the broken test scripts and aids in speeding the regression testing. In addition, its end-to-end testing allows you to customize the testing based on your requirements and provide you with intended results after each change, release, or update. Get in touch with Opkey to automate the regression testing.


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