Hacker Turns Hijacked Drones into “Zombies”
Will there be any blue skies and white puffy clouds to see in our future or will the view be muddled with a traffic jam of drones? We’ve been hearing a lot of talk lately…
Will there be any blue skies and white puffy clouds to see in our future or will the view be muddled with a traffic jam of drones? We’ve been hearing a lot of talk lately…
Which architect would you hire if you wanted to build the tallest building in the world? Every architect alive today has his or her own version of the tallest building in the world if not…
Ranked as No. 1 and presented with the Supreme Award for Structural Engineering Excellence by the institution of Structural Engineers, the Taizhou Bridge is recognized as the finest example of structural engineering. This US$1.5-billion (RMB$9.35-billion)…
According to a recent report by “Markets And Markets”, the North American fuel cell market is expected to increase from $157 million in 2013 to $667 million in 2018, a compound annual growth rate of…
The 130 year old flush toilet may soon be a thing of the past as three industrial designers are attempting to redesign the traditional toilet to one that benefits our health and environment. Sam Sheard,…
We have more than enough wind energy to power the whole world. But conventional wind turbines don’t do that great of a job of harnessing it. Saphon Energy introduced a radical innovation in wind technology…
IDC Manufacturing Insights recently released the worldwide survey report, “Business Strategy: the Journey Toward the People-Intensive Factory of the Future”. The findings show 43% of manufacturers are designing “factories of the future” today. These factories…
Today, many retail stores serve as a place for consumers to look at and test products before they go home and order the same products online. This Christmas, however, Ebay is planning to bring the…
The largest natural biome in the world is the maroon colored Taiga, a Russian word for forest, covering large parts of Canada, Europe and Asia with coniferous forests. The term “Boreal” forest refers to the…
First responders to tragic and high-risk situations, such as natural disasters, hostage situations, aggressive shooters, or even terrorist acts, tend to always face one important question as they decide to enter the rubble, room, or…