NASA Just Released Tons of Free and Open Source Software

By: | March 28th, 2017

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NASA logo

Recently, NASA released its 2017-2018 software catalog offering a wide variety of technical applications, open source software tools, and much more. The best part is that all these are totally free of charge, without any royalty or copyright fees. Anyone can download and use them.

These software products can prove to be very useful for small businesses, professionals, entrepreneurs, industry, and academia. If you want to explore this NASA catalog of software, you can visit NASA’s website and download it.

NASA hopes that these software tools will stimulate innovation and these could potentially create jobs, earn revenue, save lives, and improve the economy.

Steve Jurczyk, Associate Administrator for NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) said, “The software catalogue is our way of supporting the innovation economy by granting access to tools used by today’s top aerospace professionals to entrepreneurs, small businesses, academia, and industry, Access to these software codes has the potential to generate tangible benefits that create American jobs, earn revenue and save lives”.

Nidhi Goyal

Nidhi is a gold medalist Post Graduate in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.

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