When Engineers Dream Big Things Happen

By: | August 27th, 2013

National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenge – Joy of Living

Working to make life better is what engineers do. Largely successful over the decades, new research and technology is helping people communicate better and expand boundaries! The National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenge “Joy of Living” video includes a discussion of the following topics:

  • society built upon scientific and engineering advances
  • virtual reality and new ideas
  • gamification – turning things into games
  • game design – using games to incentivize and motivate behavior
  • education, gaming, compliance, security and games
  • creating a Protocol for Space Ships and missions and nodes of
  • 94% of life is in the ocean and two thirds of the planet is unexplored
  • flying in ocean space
  • networking across solar system by building a space based internet. A standardized suite of communication protocols for all space faring nations. The re-purposing of spacecraft to be used as nodes of an interplanetary backbone.

Grand Challenges: Joy Of Living from Iron Way Films on Vimeo.

David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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