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MingYang Smart Energy: Plans to Build a 22 MW Wind Turbine

The Chinese company Ming Yang Smart Energy Group Ltd. presented plans for developing an offshore wind turbine with an incredible power of 22 MW. Such large wind turbines decrease the costs for investors when developing wind projects since the number of installations needed for the desired capacity is lower. This new turbine is planned to […]

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High-Tech Cooling Pads for Hogs
US Researchers Delve into Microgravity 3D Printing for Space Colonization
Revolutionizing Carbon Sequestration: Volcanic rocks added to soil can pull CO2 from the air
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Breakthrough Diabetes Treatment: Implanting Insulin-Producing Cells in the Eye

Diabetes remains one of the most pressing health issues in our era. However, a potential new diabetes treatment may catch a patient’s eye. A tiny eye implant may transform diabetes treatment Researchers from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have created a minuscule implantable device designed for use in the eye. […]

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Space-Grown Mouse Embryos: A Giant Leap for Human Reproduction Research
Know Why Mercury Thermometers Are Not Allowed On Flights
Pepper X: World’s Hottest Chili Unseats Carolina Reaper
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