Why Don’t We Have Holodecks?
In one of the classic Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes, “The Big Goodbye,” Captain Picard dons a fedora as 1940s sleuth Dixon Hill. Picard found a brief escape from life on the Enterprise by…
In one of the classic Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes, “The Big Goodbye,” Captain Picard dons a fedora as 1940s sleuth Dixon Hill. Picard found a brief escape from life on the Enterprise by…
The uses of the pure carbon substance Graphene are very broad, and thanks to two Russian scientists based in the UK, may have found great potential in its use in technology and engineering, and it…
We have written about the coming revolution in manufacturing as 3-D technology is put to use printing anything under the sun. But 3-D printers are already allowing the printing of objects outlawed: revolvers, rifles and…
New infrared holography technology could enable firemen to see through flames and smoke, according to Italian researchers at CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), the National Research Council. The infrared laser can beam through smoke and…
In 1988, Brett Hanson started a firm that specialized in laser engraving, industrial screen printing, and Pad printing (printing a 2D image onto a 3D object) for OEMs throughout the U.S. For 24 years, he…
Most of us remember the medical technology used in Star Trek; with the wave of a wand diagnosis was immediate and treatment applied in seconds. Uterine fibroids, bone metastases, brain disorders, adenomyosis, prostate cancer, breast…
Chair4 Life is aimed at maximising mobility and independence for disabled children as they grow into adulthood. As children grow their physical and developmental needs change rapidly, and are at greater risk of deterioration if…
ARGUS, named after the mythological monster with 100 eyes, is the Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance-Imaging System developed by US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) featuring the highest resolution camera ever developed. The system…
Less than a day after the least expensive iteration of the miniature stripped-down computer known as Raspberry Pi was formally introduced to the US market, it’s been sold out. This machine is only being offered (or was…
The fastest powerboat in the world has a top speed of 317.6 mph (510 kmp or 276 knots). Sailboats might seem tame by comparison; the fastest sailboats in the world travel at only 56 mph…