Standing Treadmill Desks Improving Productivity

By: | January 24th, 2013

In his groundbreaking work called “Pain Free” author Pete Egoscue, creator of the Egoscue Method, has helped thousands of people avoid surgery and rehabilitate joints and muscles through simple exercises called “E-cises”.  According to Egoscue, a healthy musculoskeletal system requires regular movement and pain is a sure signal that something is not happening that should be happening.  Chronic musculoskeletal pain is the body’s way of communicating impending danger. Through reengineering the body’s muscles through exercise and movement a pain-free lifestyle can be attained.

Another well-known and effective treatment for body ailments is the Alexander Technique, invented by a British actor, which is reported to have helped Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, Paul McCartney, Madonna and many more overcome severe debilitating back pain through retraining them to walk, sit, stand, and move.Enter the sit/stand treadmill desk.  Dr. James Levine, a Mayo Clinic researcher, says that people were born to walk. Throughout our long evolutionary history going back literally millions of years it was standard for humans to walk several miles a day, several days a week, while hunting and gathering. Treadmill desks allow people to walk while they’re working for as many hours a day as they like, typically 2-3 hours, improving blood flow, posture, muscle tone, and cardiovascular health.  When a user wants to rest or focus on a task the treadmill desk can quickly and easily be adjusted to sitting height.

Statistics show at least 10% of the population worldwide experiences low back pain at any given time and up to 50% report having had back pain symptoms during the year. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for missing work and visiting the doctor’s office, outnumbering upper respiratory infections.  Most back pain is caused by mechanical issues meaning they are not caused by arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer. In the US alone, Americans spend $50 billion a year on back pain treatments.  Finally, those who regularly use a walking desk burn more calories and many are able to permanently lose weight.

Treadmill Desks come in different sizes from 40 inches to 80 inches and have a safety clip which stops the movement of the treadmill if the clip pulls away from the desk. Typical walking speed is 1 to 2 miles an hour. Mayo Clinic studies show that walking 1 to 2 miles an hour burns about 160 calories an hour.

This product is novel and innovative and if you are having musculoskeletal issues this might be your ticket to a healthier life.

David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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