Spray-On Zinc Oxide Nanomaterial Unlocks New Possibilities

By: | August 1st, 2023

Photo by ROBIN WORRALL on Unsplash

A team of scientists led by Associate Professor Enrico Della Gaspera and Dr. Joel van Embden from RMIT University in Australia is unleashing the power of zinc oxide nanomaterial. Picture this: a spray-on electronic wonder, paving the way for ultra-thin, feather-light, and flexible displays and devices that will redefine the future.

The discoveries reveal a realm of unprecedented control at the nanoscale – where size, shape, and composition can be finessed with remarkable precision.

Dr. van Embden believes that the implications of the tiny and versatile zinc oxide particles, crafted meticulously at the nanoscale, are staggering. The materials could unlock new possibilities “in optics, electronics, energy, sensing technologies, and microbial decontamination.”

But how does this breakthrough material come to life? The answer lies in its ability to transform into an ink-like form, ready to be seamlessly applied as a whisper-thin coating. These coatings possess an extraordinary blend of transparency to visible light and electrical conductivity, vital for crafting state-of-the-art touchscreen displays. Moreover, they can be deposited on flexible substrates like plastic, capable of withstanding the rigors of bending and flexing.

With aspirations soaring high, the team eagerly seeks collaboration with industry pioneers, opening the door to an enchanting realm of potential applications. Associate Professor Della Gaspera underlines the need to recreate the same magic on a grander scale, necessitating the adaptation of chemical processes and engineering innovations.

The researchers are determined to tackle the lingering obstacle of electrical conductivity. While the nanocrystal coatings offer unparalleled flexibility, they currently fall short of industry benchmarks, relying on more intricate physical deposition methods. Yet, like intrepid explorers, the team and scientists worldwide are actively propelling progress, fueled by a shared vision of conquering these challenges.

The widespread use of zinc oxide nanomaterials is driven by their unique catalytic properties, enabling enhanced energy and resource efficiency. Nanotechnology optimization products and energy production and storage processes hold significant potential for material development and solving future energy challenges.

Ashton Henning

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