Next week’s Rare ‘Super Pink Moon’ is Set to Stun

By: | April 5th, 2020

Image courtesy Pixabay

If you love to gaze out into the beautiful night sky, then don’t miss the super pink moon on 7th April. It is going to be the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year. It is also known as Paschal full moon.

Its name comes from the Greek word for ‘passover,’  This will happen  because this is going to be the first full moon  after the Spring Equinox, which occurred on March 20.

It is called Pink Moon not because the light is actually pink. But it refers to the full moon that occurs every April. It is named after the pink spring flower that appears at the same time. 

Why it is so special

Supermoon refers to a full moon that appears to be larger than normal. Moon on 7th April is full and its orbit at its perigee point is closest to Earth. It will be just 356,907 km from Earth, whereas the average Earth-moon distance is about 384,400 km.

In comparison to regular full moons, supermoons can appear 7 to 14 % larger and about 30 percent brighter.

What is the best time to see it?

According to Tania from the Royal Observatory, the best time to see pink supermoon is at 10:35PM EDT.

For moon rise on 7th April, you can watch it with an east-facing backyard, balcony or window or west-facing on the morning of 8th April.

Nidhi Goyal

Nidhi is a gold medalist Post Graduate in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.

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