New AI Controlled Submarines & Anti-Submarines

By: | March 25th, 2018

Going Nuclear

Nuclear submarines were first built in the U.S. in the 1950s. They represented technological supremacy and sophistication. With Asia emerging as today’s most volatile region, naval power may be decisive in settling disputes.

The China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) is now constructing a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. China’s current aircraft carriers run on fossil fuels. The United States has 12 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, including one under construction. France is the only other country with a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

A New Breed of AI Controlled Submarines

CSIC’s new submarine will have artificial intelligence combat capabilities. The new submarine is being outfitted with cutting-edge electronic information systems. The main goal is to improve decision making before, during, and after maritime battles. Humans will rely more and more on the data collection and analysis capabilities of AI as the amount of data collected by submarines increases exponentially.

According to CSIC, AI will help mitigate threats from increasing numbers of ships and submarines. China’s current submarines have aging electronics that need replacement.

Handling Radioactive Materials

Running submarines on nuclear power requires safe handling of radioactive materials.

The following video shows DARPA‘s (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) unmanned Sea Hunter Anti-Submarine that will also rely on AI.

David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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