5 Top Materials Used In The Fabrication Industry

By: | December 28th, 2021

Image Credit: Pixabay

Metal fabrication is one of the most important industries, this is due to the vital role it has on the building industry at large. Humans started using Native Metals at approximately 5 000 years BC, which led to the Bronze age about 2 000 years later.

Over these years, man discovered how to master and manipulate metals in better ways, for a wide range of applications. Fast forward thousands of years later and man is still finding new ways to use metals to improve our lives and make them easier.

The fabrication industry mainly uses the metals listed below, so if you want to open up a fabrication business you need to order these in bulk:

1. Aluminium

Aluminium is used for aluminium fabrication. That is the process of shaping aluminium into a finished product, such as solar panels or doors. Aluminium is a popular metal because it is easy to weld, bend, stamp, and extrude.

Aluminium is a lightweight, silvery-white metal with soft and malleable properties. It is used in a massively wide variety of products from buildings to ships, consumer electronics, and so much more. It is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and the second most-used metal globally.

2. Copper

Copper is an excellent choice for the fabrication industry because it is highly conductive. Copper can be recycled indefinitely without losing any of its beneficial properties, and the recycled version is indistinguishable from the original version.

Copper is largely used in fabrication for construction, but it is also used for industrial machinery and consumer products, such as electronics. You should strongly consider using copper for your successful export business.

3. Steel

Steel is arguably the most used metal in the metal fabrication industry. This dynamic metal is mostly used in construction, assembly lines, and consumer products. A steel bar can be utilized in a myriad of ways; they are categorically the most vital core metal component in almost every industry.

These metal bars offer strength, versatility, and affordability – this is why they are so crucial to any fabrication process.

4. Brass

Brass, like copper, is a great conductor of heat and is easy to form in different shapes. Unlike copper, brass is strong and hard, which makes it a popular choice for areas where copper wouldn’t work.

Brass is generally resistant to corrosion caused by saltwater. This means it is a popular choice for applications that require low friction and corrosion resistance.

5. Iron

Iron is an essential part of the production of steel. About 90 per cent of all refined metal used today is comprised of this abundant element. Iron is used in fabrication because it is so strong and tough. Iron is one of the better-performing metals, especially when it comes to resisting high loads, strain, and stress.

Iron is a popular choice for building bridges and shelters. It is also the most naturally magnetic element on the periodic table.

To End

You can’t go wrong with any of the metals listed above; they all have their unique benefits and attributes that make them a brilliant choice for a wide range of applications and industries.


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