Listen to the New Sound of Formula E: Are the Cars Endearing or Annoying?

By: | August 19th, 2015

Formula E is pretty awesome to watch if you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet.

While it’s odd to watch a race and not hear the roar of engines, the sport itself almost seems more futuristic because of the electric sounds.

The video below gives you a good idea of what some of the cars competing in Formula E sound like, and honestly, even though the high-pitched squeal can get a little annoying occasionally, it’s still endearing.

The variation in noise coming from the Formula E vehicles this year is due the fact each team is allowed to customize their powertrains, meaning messing with components like the motor, inverter, and gearboxes.

I’m all about incorporating new technologies in vehicles that go really fast.

Good luck to Formula E this year as a whole and here’s to all the drivers completing the season in good health.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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