High-End Luxury Smartphones
The word is that Swiss watchmakers have entered the luxury smartphone market. Because so few people today wear watches, Swiss watchmakers have discovered a new platform to show off their high-tech skills, knowledge, and style.
As far as most people are concerned, today’s smartphones are already a great luxury. With thousands of apps to choose from, many things are possible. However, for those who have the money and want to make a fashion statement or a technology statement, luxury smartphones are an interesting phenomenon. After all, if you spent $200,000 on a Lamborghini, having a phone that matches it in style and sophistication at $3,400 is reasonable. The Lamborghini Tauri 88 matches the Lamborghini automobile.

Lamborghini Tauri 88 Luxury Smartphone (Image Courtesy Lamborghini Mobile http://www.lamborghinimobile.com/en/88tauriteaser/)
$6,500 Vertu Constellation Luxury Smartphone
Vertu, a luxury smartphone maker, recently joined a partnership with Bentley to create a new range of luxury smartphones, including a $15,000 smartphone for Bentley.
According to UK’s Telegraph,
“Features on the hand-assembled Vertu Constellation include encrypted speech, personal protection and tracking, and, in case of a kidnap or a threat to life and limb, a secret button which sends a pre-determined codeword to your security advisers at the press of a button.”
The following video by Matt Warman tours the Vertu factory and shows the Vertu Constellation that retails for £4,000.
For more resources on Luxury Smartphone check this link.