Google’s Paper Signals: Control Objects With Your Voice

By: | December 10th, 2017



Paper Signals is a new voice project from Google. It offers a simple, yet intriguing function.

Essentially, users can build paper objects then give the objects voice commands to do tasks, such as checking the weather or reporting on the price of Bitcoin.

Building a Paper Signals requires the following:

  • Paper Signals starter kit, which includes an Adafruit board
  • The necessary cables
  • A micro servo motor
  • A device that supports the Google Assistant
  • A printer and a few household items like glue and scissors

At the moment, the code is open source in order to encourage developers to build neat custom creations.

More information and all of the experiments thus far can be found at the company’s voice experiments site.

See how it works in the video below:

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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