
We will all be in Driverless Cars by 2020?

We will all be in Driverless Cars by 2020?

The driverless car was the brainchild of the Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and co-inventor of Google Street View, Sebastian Thrun.  Thrun was deeply affected by the death of a childhood friend in…

The Lightest Electric Vehicle Ever Made

The Lightest Electric Vehicle Ever Made

Boosted Boards is re-imagining the long skateboard as an electric powered portable vehicle that will revolutionize the way people travel when commuting to work, sightseeing, having fun, or traveling short to medium range distances. According to the…

Saving Venice: The MOSE Project

Saving Venice: The MOSE Project

The MOSE (MOdulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico) Project in Venice, Italy is the city’s attempt to address the ever threatening problem of mass flooding that could hit the city. The project first started as far back as…

New ‘Life Saving’ Steel for Soldiers

New ‘Life Saving’ Steel for Soldiers

Tata Steel revealed its new high strength, lightweight steel, Super Bainite, for use by soldiers in the British army, in partnership with the Ministry of Defence, and has been described as potentially ‘life saving’. Super…