California Becomes First State to Require Solar Panels on New Homes

By: | May 14th, 2018

Solar Panels

By MarkBuckawicki [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons

California is doing what appears to be an inevitability for many places in the future. In the process, however, the Golden State is making a bit of history.

The state is all set to become the first ever to require solar panels on all newly built, single-family houses. The new regulations, once they are passed by California’s Energy Commission, will go into effect in 2020.

Strangely enough, neither consumers nor voters have a say in the decision, which the commission expects will raise the average cost of a new single-family home by $9,500.

However, it is estimated utility bills will decrease by approximately twice that much over the period of a 30-year mortgage.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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