Best 5 practices to secure your Industrial website

By: | February 5th, 2024

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

In today’s industrial sector, advancements in technology help drive efficiency and innovation, but so does the increasing vulnerability to cyber threats. A cyber-attack occurs every 39 seconds, and this time frame is shorter than it takes to order your food online. 

The numbers are even higher for the crucial industrial websites of our economy. By 2024, it is predicted that cybercrime will cost the world USD 9.5 trillion. The alarming frequency of these attacks is increasing day by day and is a reminder of the threat that is always there on our industrial websites. 

This blog will explore the top 5 practices to consider for Industrial Website Security.

5 Industrial Website Security Best Practices

Data Masking

Data masking is one of the important steps to consider while securing your platform’s data from being stolen. There are many data masking techniques, but a few of them are character stuffing, encryption, or word substitution. One of the best techniques for data masking is tokenization. Tokenization substitutes the real values with the dummy data, which is fully functional. 

For instance, in data masking, a backup copy is created for the produced data and transferred to another environment. There, the unwanted data is discarded, and the essential information is masked. In simple words, the name “Mark” will be replaced with “John” in one table, and all the other associated tables will show “John” instead of the original data and name “Mark.”

Use Data Encryption

The main aim of using data encryption is to protect the digital data available on the website or stored on the cloud. Data encryption transforms information into a code that is only accessible with a password or secret key, which is sometimes referred to as the decryption key.  

For instance, a manufacturing company has a website where clients can access and upload their designs and blueprints. These designs and blueprints are highly confidential and must be securely shared between the client and the company’s server. Therefore, the company implements one of the data encryption techniques on its website, which is HTTPS. HTTPS employs a combination of cryptographic protocols, including SSL and TLS, and helps secure the communication between the client’s browser and the company’s web server.

Implement SSL Certificates

SSL, also known as Secure socket layers, refers to a technology of security that provides an encrypted environment between a website’s server and your browser. SSL encryption helps keep the information private, passed between the server and the user browser, and reduces the risk of it being stolen by third parties.

Let’s understand this in a simple way. Suppose you have entered your email address, credit card details, location, or any other social security number to log in to a website. Now, when we are sharing any sensitive information, we need it to be safe and private between the website and the user.

However, the information you have added is vulnerable at the time of the process and easily accessible to hackers. Here, the SSL certificate will help in protecting the data from hackers. SSL establishes a secure connection between two systems and uses an algorithm to secure and scramble the data, which now cannot float around for hackers to download and read. 

Educate Your Customers and Employees

Your customers and employees need awareness of the laws and policies that affect stored customer data. Spread awareness among your customers and staff about the primary security measures your organization employs to protect user information on the website.  

For instance, if your company initiates purchasing of any services which require payment details, which are sensitive information and can cause significant loss to your client of the data gets breached. You can make your clients aware of the best practices your company uses to protect your customers’ credit card data, and you can also share a few practices that they can implement to safeguard their financial information. 

Your staff must also be taught the steps essential to protect consumer data. Direct them to follow necessary security processes and regulations to safeguard your company from any legal liabilities. 

Consider Two Factor Authentication

Photo by Maxim Tolchinskiy on Unsplash

One of the common causes of data breaching is stolen or compromised user credentials. Your information can be guessed or can be stolen by using various methods. That is where the two-factor authentication method comes into the picture. Think of the two-factor authentication as your foundation for industrial website security from data breaches.

Two-factor authentication is practiced on many websites. It is a process in which a valid user has to provide two means of identification to log in to the website’s data. One is typically the username and password, while the other is an autogenerated code or one-time password, which is sent to the user’s verified phone number. 

How to Choose an SSL Certificate?

If you want to make your website appear authentic and reliable, you require an SSL certificate, especially when you run an online store. Even if you search for the phrase “how to buy a SSL certificate,” it will provide you with ample options for cheap SSL Certificates

But what if you are not aware of what type of SSL certificate will be the best fit for your website? Below are the types of SSLs, which range from least secure to most secure according to the niche of your website:

Domain Validated Certificates

DV certificates are mostly used for sites such as blogs or for small businesses that do not exchange any customer information.

Organizational Validated Certificates

OV certificates are the best options for business websites with the aim of lead capturing without sharing or storing any sensitive information from their users.

Extended Validated Certificates

EV certificates provide a high-level of security and are capable of handling large databases of sensitive pieces of information, such as for handling industrial website security

The type of SSL you select is determined by the tasks you expect people to perform on your website. SSL certificates can be costly if you don’t know where to search or what you’re getting. Fortunately, I’m here to help you. 

Once you’ve decided on the sort of certificate you need, you may look around for Certificate Authorities that provide SSLs at that level. After that, you will install the certificate on your website.


In conclusion, safeguarding industrial websites is important in the rise of escalating cyber threats. Implementing a robust security measure helps in protecting your website from potential data breaches. When choosing an SSL certificate for your industrial website security, align your decision with the specific needs and sensitivity of the data being stored on your website. 

While SSL certificate prices may vary, investment in this security measure is a must. Prioritizing security is not only protecting your valuable information but also fostering trust with your clients and safeguarding the industrial sector’s innovation and integrity. 


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