Audi Developing Moon Rover for Potential $30 Million Payday From Google’s Lunar Xprize

By: | July 1st, 2015

Audi has enlisted a team of German scientists and engineers in order to help the car company build a moon rover for the Google Lunar XPRIZE competition.

The team, called Part-Time Scientists, is backed by Audi which claims to be “supporting the [project] with… know-how in several fields of technology – from Quattro all-wheel drive and lightweight construction to electric mobility and piloted driving.”

The first team to successfully get a rover to the moon, trek 500 meters across its surface, and beam HD video back to Earth will receive a $30 million prize as part of Google’s Lunar XPRIZE.

Part-Time Scientists are aiming for their first launch in 2017 when the rover will attempt to land in the same area Apollo 17 touched down.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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