3D Printing Medical Devices Market to Reach $2.13 Billion by 2020

By: | September 27th, 2015

3D Printing Medical Devices 3D Printed Skull

3D Printing Medical Devices 3D Printed Skull (Image Courtesy www.nbsnews.com)

A new report by Markets and Markets estimates the 3D printing medical devices market will grow at a 25.3% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2015 to 2020, reaching $2.13 billion.

According to the report, the global 3D printing medical devices market is made up of the following segments with respect to components:

  1. 3D printing equipment made up of 3D printers and 3D bioprinters.
  2. 3D printing materials made up of plastics, including thermoplastics and photopolymers, metal alloy powders, biomaterials, ceramics, nylon, paper, wax, and more.
  3. 3D printing services and software.

With respect to technology, the report divides 3D printing medical devices into five segments:

  1. Electron beam melting (EBM)
  2. Laser beam melting (LBM)
  3. Photopolymerization
  4. Droplet deposition (DD) or extrusion-based technologies
  5. Three-dimensional printing (3DP) or adhesion bonding

The following video provides a glimpse of the burgeoning market for 3D printing in medical applications. This is a TED Talk featuring Carsten Engel, a biomedical engineer.

David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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