Turning Deserts into Inhabitable Oases

By: | January 28th, 2013

Shimizu, a major player in the international construction industry, has been studying how to turn deserts into inhabitable oases.

Shimizu’s plan, still in the simulation stage, would locate multiple manmade lakes in naturally low-lying areas of deserts and then build artificial islands on these lakes.  Seawater would be introduced to the deserts through canals and the lakes would be connected by a water network.  After introducing water to the deserts the project would then build cities on the man-made islands.

A sophisticated computer modeling software will soon allow scientists to simulate these types of projects and their effect on the atmosphere.

In order for the lakes to exist in the desert the plan is to build underground walls that reach down to the impermeable layer. A combination of pumps and gravity would move water through the network of canals and man-made lakes. A transportation network on land and water would be incorporated into the design.

The lakes would measure 20 miles in diameter and 20 to 30 feet in depth being about as large as Tokyo Bay.  And lakes would be separated by a distance of 100 miles. The entire system from the lakes to the canals would be lined with concrete. Canals would be 25 feet wide by 20 feet deep.

According to the plan filling the network with seawater would allow the use of marine resources including fish and biomass materials. The canals would transport people and goods. Energy to power the cities would come from solar energy installations covering vast stretches of empty desert.

Finally, to meet the drinking needs of the new population desalination plants would be built.

David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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