New Rubik’s Cube Robot Unofficially Breaks World Record Another Machine Set Last Week

By: | February 19th, 2016


I’m getting really tired of robots, and more specifically how rapidly they are advancing.


Because I just wrote about a Rubik’s cube robot that set a new world record by solving the toy in just 0.9 seconds 10 days ago, which apparently is already outdated.

While no Guinness World Record officials were actually on hand for what is unofficially the new world record, Adam Beer’s Sub1 robot recently solved a Rubik’s cube in 0.887 seconds.

At this rate, Guinness should just take people and robots at their word after watching YouTube videos to save on travel expenses.

If another Rubik’s cube robot pops up and breaks the record next week, don’t expect to see another article from me.

These robots and their algorithms are really testing me lately!

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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