Mechanical Engineers Create Magic Beans

By: | December 6th, 2012

Dave and Dave grew up together in Pennington, New Jersey  where they spent our time inventing, designing and fabricating everything from kite buggies and robots to chainsaw-powered scooters and grind rails.

After entering the workforce as mechanical engineers they continued looking for product ideas to develop that would enable them to build their own company.

“I was tired of burning my mouth on coffee that was too hot or waiting for coffee to cool down,” said Dave Jackson.

Enter the the Magic Beans or ‘Coffee Joulies’ as they been named. They conceived, engineered, prototyped, and hand-produced the first run of Coffee Joulies.

Coffee Joulies then launched as a project on Kickstarter. Seeking $9500 to pay for half the cost of tooling, Dave & Dave began raising funds on March 29, 2011. By the time the project ended on May 2 they had raised $306,944 earning them third place in the Kickstarter Hall of Fame and providing enough money to make Joulies in the USA.
They are now working full time with Sherrill Manufacturing, located in the old Oneida factory in Sherrill, New York, to get manufacturing up and running and are about to finish fulfilling the 8000 pre-orders placed through their Kickstarter page.

In todays news we are flooded with stories of people and companies developing software products with million and billion dollar payouts. It seems that there is very little opportunity for tangible products. We are beginning to see more noise from companies developing new products. James Dyson is one of those innovative engineers that continues innovate.

Visit for more information on thes magic beans.

Michael Cooney

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